Thursday, March 24, 2016


Mums. We are an important species. And, so often, we need a lift - a spiritual lift, an emotional lift, a happy lift. But, most of all, we need positivity, and lots of it. In a world of crying babies, screaming toddlers and tantruming adolescents, overdue bills, a to-do list a mile high, a husband who works long hours well, it's easy for us to feel down. This blog is my tribute to all the mums who have good days, bad days, ugly days, emotional days, desperate days. Even the ones who are happy every second of the day because heck, we want love, support and inspiration from all kinds of mums. I was sitting at home working, running my own business from my teeny tiny dining table for yet another day feeling unmotivated for. like. the. hundredth. day. in. a. row. I'm a Mother of two gorgeous children, but as we all know, you tend to lose yourself and your choices when you raise little humans. I am so grateful I'm a Mum, I always wanted to be one, but I didn't realise I'd forget myself in the process. I knew that it was time to pull my tired ass finger out and put myself first. I reasoned that putting myself first meant 'happy Mum, happy children'. So, I made the decision when one day I'd just had enough of feeling tired and unmotivated. And, the results started to manifest... immediately. I went for a walk and listened to The Secret audio book which is all about attracting what you want in life. I knew it was time to start focusing on what I wanted, too. My kids are happy, well-adjusted, clever little cookies so why not kick-off "Project Happy Mama"? I became hopeful, immediately happy with the mere decision of putting myself first for once. I knew it was possible. I knew that, by putting myself first, I would no longer being a tired boring Mother to my two children. When their father picked them up from preschool and brought them home this day, I was so happy I ran up to THEM and gave THEM a hug. I smothered them with kisses. My mood was infectious. They were laughing, giggling, and hugging me back so tight I thought I was going to suffocate. I've been this happy before. I'm not a complete derelict, but it was different. It hit me. I want every day to be like this. But, I'd said this to myself before and couldn't maintain it. This time, I knew I COULD maintain it because my first priority would be focusing and studying on my happiness like a dog. I was going to wake up being positive, I was going to go about my day being positive, and I was going to do it by eliminating all my negative thinking and replacing it with positive, manifesting like a bullet-type thinking that would pave my way to being the Mum, and woman, I wanted to be. I decided that I no longer wanted friends who were addicted to drama or ones who complained all day. That brought me down. And jealous people who only wanted my downfall? Nope! Kick that toxic waste to the curb! I was going to be a straight-A student of positive vibrations, of happy dreams and working to make myself the life I wanted, and the one I know I deserved. I know I know. I am going to have hard days - but the days just get harder when my thinking becomes negative and my mood is down. It doesn't do anything for me except to spiral me into a dark place I no longer wish to be in. And here is the reason I started this blog. I want you to join me. I want us mighty Mummies to band together and support each other. It breaks my heart when I read Mummies struggling to cope, mums crying because they have no support, and mums having a hard time with exes, or jealous best friends, horrible MILS, issues with debt, work, relationships, a busted pipe - you name it, I've read it and been through it myself and together, we can support each other and all changes our thinking for the better. Please share this blog with any Mummy you think may need a lift. We are all challenged, mostly on a daily basis, but if we all promise ourselves to replace the bad emotions with good ones, then I can pretty much guarantee then our lives will change for the better. We will no longer be running hard, sweating trying to get to reach the peak. We are going to start on top of the Peak and stay there, where the view is much, much nicer.

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